Menurut IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) laporan keuangan akrual secara umum setidaknya terdiri dari
- Statement of Financial Position (Neraca)
- Statement of Financial Performance (Laporan Kinerja Keuangan)
- Statement of Changes In Net Assets/Equity (Laporan Perubahan dalam Aset Bersih/Ekuitas)
- Cash Flow Statement (Laporan Arus Kas)
- Accounting Policies and Notes to The Financial Statements (Catatan atas Kebijakan Akuntansi dan Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan)
Komponen laporan keuangan, akuntansi pemerintah berbasis akrual (IPSAS) di Perancis
- Neraca (Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position)
- Laporan Surplus/Defisit (Surplus Defisit Statement: A Net Expense Statement, Net Sovereign Revenues Statement, A Net Operating Surplus/Deficit Statement For The Period)
- Laporan Arus Kas (Cash Flow Statement)
- Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan (Note to The Financial Statement)
Komponen laporan keuangan IPSAS di Swedia
- Neraca (Statement of Financial Position)
- Laporan Kinerja Keuangan (Statement of Financial Performance)
- Laporan Arus Kas (Cash Flow Statement)
- Laporan Apropriasi (Appropriation Report)
- Laporan Kinerja (Performance Report)
- Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan (Notes to the Financial Statements).
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